Walkabout’s ESG Philosophy
Walkabout is a responsible explorer and developer of essential and critical minerals and metals in Africa and the United Kingdom. While mining involves the extraction of non-renewable resources, we seek to balance this activity through the positive inputs we make to society and the communities in which we work, by operating at international best practice environmental standards as well as through the legacy we leave for future generations.
ESG is an inextricable part of how we do business, and we appreciate its individual elements are intertwined and overlapping. Working in two very different geographies sees our focus on environmental and social factors shift and remain agile – the nature of the economy in which we operate can influence the priority or scale of our investment or approach. For example, where an economy is less developed the urgency to have impact at the social level can be priority and drives more effort, expenditure and focus.
Our attention to governance factors is universal and constant, reflecting on each operating entity and its associated commercial model. It is our commitment to operate with a transparent and open dialogue on matters of law, regulation and compliance.
continually lifting our ESG standards
Walkabout and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
At our Lindi Jumbo Mine in Tanzania, our strategy is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There are nine SDGs to which we can contribute with high impact – we have contextualised and aligned these with our sustainability principles.
Our Sustainability Framework is aligned with the principles of the International Council on Mining and Metals.
Walkabout are proud to be members of:
- International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM)
- The World Gold Council
- European Raw Minerals Alliance
- The Australia Africa Minerals and Energy Group (AAMEG)
An Award Winning ESG Profile in Tanzania
The development of the Lindi Jumbo Graphite Mine in an economically challenged remote region of Tanzania creates the opportunity to uplift the entire region through the adoption of a “local first, national second and international third” mantra for employment, procurement and supply.
Walkabout received an ESG award at the 2021 Australia Africa Minerals and Energy Group Awards for the “Best Innovation in Corporate Social Development” for its ‘Tanzania First, Local First’ philosophy at Lindi Jumbo. The award was in recognition of the Company’s employment policy in Tanzania, contribution to local communities and the establishment of a village trust which will see funds from the Project returned to local communities.